Octoberfeast Downtown Restaurant Weeks Announced

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Octoberfeast is our spin on Restaurant Week(s) in downtown Marietta! Scheduled from Sunday, October 10th to Saturday, October 23rd, this two-week-long celebration of participating downtown restaurants is sure to bring locals and tourists together to dine local!

Using the Octoberfeast Bingo Card, diners can eat local and challenge themselves to get Bingo by dining with participating restaurants. Get 5 boxes checked off in a row in any direction on your Bingo Card, and be entered into a raffle to win a number of prizes! More than Bingo Card can be turned in by an individual diner.

Restaurant Participation: If you’re a downtown restaurant owner and would like details on participation, email director@mariettamainstreet.org to learn more! The participation deadline is Monday, September 13th.

Sponsorship opportunities are available for Octoberfeast, ranging from $250 to $1,000. Email director@mariettamainstreet.org to learn more about sponsorship benefits and opportunities.